On Time: Young Enough and Old Enough

On Time: Young Enough and Old Enough Is time an ally or an antagonist? It depends. It depends upon how we look upon time and how we use it. Time has been called a thief. That designation offers some truth: Time robs us of our loved ones, steals the springs...

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Seven Reasons to Come Back to Shul

Due to the global pandemic, the Jewish values of piku’ach nefesh, saving endangered lives, and sh’mirat hanefesh, protecting our own lives, rightly predominated. As a result, we’ve held services and classes on Zoom. As it turned out, Zoom was quite a blessing, enabling us to meet with one another, to...

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From Blaze to Beauty

As we all think about the relaxation of mandatory pandemic restrictions and how that might affect us, I noticed that outdoor concerts are starting to resume within the State of Israel at Sultan’s Pool, an ancient water basin in the Valley of Hinnom by the west side of Mount Zion...

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How Eretz Yisrael Was Conquered

The books of Joshua and Judges offer two competing views of how Eretz Yisrael (the land of Israel) was conquered in biblical times. The book of Joshua argues that the conquest by those who entered the land after our people’s 40 years of wandering was rather efficient, quick, and complete....

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The Holocaust, The Silence and “Never Again”

This month we shall observe Yom HaShoah, the day of remembrance of those who perished in the Holocaust at the hands of Europe. This past September the results of a survey conducted about the Holocaust were released. I have mentioned this from the pulpit, and I am still unsettled about...

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