Taking a Look at Ourselves

From the Rabbi’s Study Taking a Look at Ourselves  The story is told about a gung-ho drill sergeant who always demanded the highest and best from his soldiers. One day he stared in pained disbelief at a sloppy squad of new recruits wearing their uniforms for the first time. For...

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The Narrow Bridge We’re On, and the Courage of Hanukkah

From the Rabbi’s Study The Narrow Bridge We’re On, and the Courage of Hanukkah Rav Nachman of Bratzlav taught that, “The world is a very narrow bridge. What’s essential, however, is to fear not.” Artist Michael Morgenstern was inspired by Rav Nachman to create this work of art:  We are...

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Seven Reasons to Come Back to Shul

Due to the global pandemic, the Jewish values of piku’ach nefesh, saving endangered lives, and sh’mirat hanefesh, protecting our own lives, rightly predominated. As a result, we’ve held services and classes on Zoom. As it turned out, Zoom was quite a blessing, enabling us to meet with one another, to...

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