Snapshots in Jewish History on Zoom

Step into the time machine as we explore a different era in Jewish history each week. Together, we will learn about the trials and triumphs of Judaism in different time periods, put ourselves in the shoes of the Jews who came before us, and discuss how all this is still...

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ScholarStream on Zoom at 9a

We are excited to announce the full year of ScholarStream learning in 5783! Beginning in August and spanning all the way up to Shavuot, the Conservative Movement seminaries and institutions are partnering to offer seven series that will bring your community face-to-face with the brightest and most engaging scholars our...

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ScholarStream on Zoom at 5p

We are excited to announce the full year of ScholarStream learning in 5783! Beginning next week and spanning all the way up to Shavuot, the Conservative Movement seminaries and institutions are partnering to offer seven series that will bring your community face-to-face with the brightest and most engaging scholars our...

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Tish’a B’Av on Zoom

Tish’a B’Av:  The ninth day of the month of Av is observed as the day of fasting and mourning in commemoration of the destruction of the First and Second Temples in 586 BCE and 70 CE, the expulsion of Jews from Spain, and other efforts that sought our annihilation.    Services,...

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Tish’a B’Av Services on Zoom

Tisha B’Av:  The ninth day of the month of Av is observed as the day of fasting and mourning in commemoration of the destruction of the First and Second Temples in 586 BCE and 70 CE, the expulsion of Jews from Spain, and other efforts that sought our annihilation.    Services, with...

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Important Annual Membership Meeting on Zoom

Our annual membership meeting will be held via Zoom on Sunday, June 23rd at 11 a.m.  All members, in good standing and entitled to vote, received their ballot in the mail and MUST vote and return them in the mail to be received no later than June21   All members should...

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